There were also somethings with my family that made me wish I was at home. My Nana broke her femur and had to have surgery, and in the same day my brother fell off of a Bobcat, he got stitches but then they got really infected. My Papa also had some problems with his elbow (I think it runs in the family, I am proof of that). Everyone is doing much better, Nana needs help with getting food to the table, and getting up the stairs (they don't have railing to get up the stairs into the house), Papa's elbow is fine I guess, the infection on Joe's elbow is better, but he still has trouble bending it (I can relate).
I was also a little homesick for my friends who live in the Kansas City Area. I just miss them and as much as I wish they could stop their lives and wait to start them again when I am around I realize that is unrealistic.
All in all I am pretty happy to have started my second year at USD!
CA training went well, here are some pictures!
I think it looks like they had fun, what do you think?
I didn't realize it until just a few minutes ago but the 4th of September was the anniversary of me breaking my elbow. There were so many memories that went with that incident. My elbow is doing well, except during extreme weather, or weather changes my elbow hurts really bad. I have a feel arthritis will be a problem when I get older. When it hurts I can't help but think of when the doctor said it would only be taken out if it started hurting really bad. Then I think is it better to have an occasional twinge of pain, or A FREAKING SURGERY! I think I'll stick with the twinge of pain.
My mom also sent me some really pretty flowers, it was so nice of her to send them, I am still enjoying the roses. Thank you mom, I love you!
Aren't they nice???
Along with taking a few classes I am also helping teach a class. Helping teach a class has given me an entirely new understanding of what teachers do. From the book we are teaching from I read this quote: "The dictionary is the only place where succeed comes before work." I like it!
I promise more entries by Sunday, I have an exciting weekend planned, but you'll have to wait to hear about it!
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