In other news, I had a nice relaxing weekend, complete with purchasing no new bowls, but I do feel that I should admit that I did spend some much needed time with my good friend, the Target clearance aisle, it was nice.
I also watched "Some like it Hot." Good movie, I love Jack Lemmon even more now, one day when I am grey and old I will want my future husband to be like him in "Grumpy Old Men," my favorite movie.
I also "fixed" the traveling trophy, instead of a tennis player, there is a dinosaur carrying a tennis players, I seriously crack myself up!
Oh also, this weekend I did not buy any bowls, but I did enjoy the polka dot plates Rebecca got me for a wonderful early birthday present! Thanks Rebecca and Matt.
Speaking of Rebecca and Matt it is now going to be one of my main goals in life to get more pink in Rebecca's house. She loves pink, Matt does not, therefore, my goal to a: give Rebecca more pink stuff and b: torture Matt by giving Rebecca more pink. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
What a cute picture!! I support you giving Rebecca more PINK things!!