I've also been getting really nervous about my HUGE compressive test. Should I take it while I'm home for Christmas, if I take it while I am home what books should I take home. When I get the questions early should I read them, my teacher told me to read them, but I feel like that's cheating. What if I fail.
And I've been freaking out about where I am going to work next year, part of me is so excited to do the job search again. The other part of silently flipping out, WHAT IF I DON'T GET A JOB. I know I do very well at what I do but, what if the new place I work at does not fit me at all, what if I never make new friends.
I know I'm over reacting but, this weekend all I could think about was "what if," I'm gonna what if my self into a panic attack full of hives and puking.
To take my mind off of the freak out, I fiddled with these, they are kind of fun.
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