
Even Mama's Votin' for Obama!

The time has come! Last night when I was on my way back from the dreaded Wal-Mart I heard a GREAT campaign message about the Iowa caucus on January 3rd. So now I will spew my like for OBAMA!

-Appoint qualified cabinet members!
- Increase health care benefits, and and pass some of those savings on to businesses who have health care plans!
- Support businesses who choose to keep employment/manufacturing in the United States.
- Increase early childhood education! Which as a quasi educator I am ALL for! Benefit students, and increase grants by not allowing loan companies to make such HUGE profits!
- AND bring troops home in as little as 16 months (which I would be totally shocked and thrilled if it actually happened)!
-Not tell people what they want to hear, but, what they need to hear! Including oil companies, automobile manufactures, and the American people!
- Reclaim Habeas Corpus!
- Minimize Guantanamo Bay.
The thing is I think he'll do it. After he graduated from Harvard, he wasn't a Lawyer getting the big bucks, he was a community builder in Chicago for God's sake!

I'll stop and save some for later!

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Let the gloating commence!

I went to a conference this last week, AND I got an award! (read award for more details!)

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I am very proud to have won this award. I am blessed to have a job where I can excel by being who I am by and remembering how important being part of a community is to an institution, and to ones college career. I also like that I don't have to change who I am to do a kick butt job at what I do, because if everyone tried to get stuff done with rainbows, puppies and ice cream all we'd have is puppy poop everywhere and people on a sugar high. Seriously, no one likes to clean up poop.

I also got to go to some AWESOME development workshops, that will help me do my job better! Along with that I got to see some Graceland friends, and good lord nothing changes, they were/are crazy, now I know where I get it.



You know when people ask what you would be if money or ability didn't matter, I never really had a thing I would do, UNTIL TODAY! I realized the job I would LOVE to do, if I weren't a novice, and could make money on. I WOULD BE A CUPCAKE MAKER!!! I love making such perfectly cute little cakes. Here are some pictures of what my pride and joy would be!

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This one was a mistake, but it's my favorite!

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I ate one, I couldn't resist! mmm...


... and then I fell off my chair!

This morning I opened my e-mail and had one from my Mama. And to my superise it stated,

"You know I want him to win. I do not get involved in Politics. But from what I have heard about him, I think we need fresh thoughts and someone that will finally stand up for what they believe."

That was when I fell off of my chair! Okay not really, but I was pleased to high heaven. Now I just have to get the rest of the family "Fired up and Ready" for Obama, maybe Grandma and I can cavort on putting something in the pie for Christmas Eve?


Fired Up! And Ready!

Living in South Dakota, far away from my favorite political activist, Bill Russel, I totally forgot how great going to a campaign rally can be! Barak Obama was in Sioux City today! So Sara, Jessica and I went to listen to him. He is a great speaker! There was even this OLD (and by old I mean late 70's) lady in the crowd that was totally out of control and trying to monopolize his speech, he did great getting her off of his back, and he was funny while doing so. I got some buttons! And some good photos.

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When he was talking I totally got into it! It reminded me of the last presidential election, all of the pre-convention hub-bub, see all of the nominees! So exciting!

Originally I was going to tell you all why I like Obama, instead I will just tell you about the rally/"town hall."

First, we got there, which was a joy in and of itself, because we had no idea where we were going.
Second, we got free buttons, see above.
Third, everyone was asking us if we were from Iowa and would be caucusing, but we don't live in Iowa AT ALL!
Fourth, thanks to Lewis, we got to sit in the FRONT ROW!
Fifth, pre-show guy was wicked lame.
Sixth, Obama came, gave a great speech about matter to be shared later.
Seventh, Old lady was heckling and making everyone laugh, at HER!
Eighth, we were told that we should caucus in Iowa for Obama.
Ninth, Obama made us laugh, and usually it was pretty loud.
Tenth, we got told to caucus in Iowa.
Eleventh, we got to shake Obama's hand (and i got to talk to him about always being prepared, he replied "it's like being a boy scout)!
Twelfth, they told us to caucus in Iowa.
Thirteenth, we had dinner at Red Robin.
Oh and did I mention, we got told to caucus in Iowa?

I will share more later after my family has a chance to be-rate me on my choice of candidate.
Hey I'm a free thinker!



Watch out, lots of random thoughts today:

Is it Thanksgiving yet? I am so ready for a break, so I guess it's a good thing that I got my scholarship to the Housing Conference. I will be leaving next Tuesday!

But before I leave... I have a paper to write, if I really put my mind to it, I could finish it tonight, but, I probably wont.

I cannot stop listening to the Legally Blonde soundtrack. It's kind of getting sick, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop, DUH!

I was scanning some pictures the other day, I found this one, gosh, I'm freaking cute.
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I wish I could do this all day everyday.

I've been thinking about stating to eat poultry again, I kind of miss it. I think I'll start by just eating it while I'm out, and stay a vegetarian at home. I certainly will not be eating beef or pork any time soon, seeing it still makes me a little nauseous. And Poultry is easier to buy organic, and more humanely taken care of, maybe I'll start eating beef and pork sometime, but I can't handle the greasiness.

I want to make cupcakes. Cute ones, pretty ones, tasty ones.

I also want to go shoe shopping, but won't, because I'm poor, and will need to start working on Christmas presents.

End random thoughts.


OMIGOD, you guys!

I am a victim of what some people would think is horrible television. "Legally Blonde" the musical! AMAZING! Bought the soundtrack, I want to watch it, again! So good, totally recommend it!

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If you like "Legally Blonde" you will LOVE singing along to it. Trust me, I'm serious it's What you Want, don't get a Chip on Your Shoulder you'll LOVE IT.

(Bold items are song titles!)