Is it Thanksgiving yet? I am so ready for a break, so I guess it's a good thing that I got my scholarship to the Housing Conference. I will be leaving next Tuesday!
But before I leave... I have a paper to write, if I really put my mind to it, I could finish it tonight, but, I probably wont.
I cannot stop listening to the Legally Blonde soundtrack. It's kind of getting sick, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop, DUH!
I was scanning some pictures the other day, I found this one, gosh, I'm freaking cute.
I wish I could do this all day everyday.
I've been thinking about stating to eat poultry again, I kind of miss it. I think I'll start by just eating it while I'm out, and stay a vegetarian at home. I certainly will not be eating beef or pork any time soon, seeing it still makes me a little nauseous. And Poultry is easier to buy organic, and more humanely taken care of, maybe I'll start eating beef and pork sometime, but I can't handle the greasiness.
I want to make cupcakes. Cute ones, pretty ones, tasty ones.
I also want to go shoe shopping, but won't, because I'm poor, and will need to start working on Christmas presents.
End random thoughts.
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