My mom and Aunt Tina's youngest grandchild, Halie. We got to babysit her, she was such a pretty and well behaved baby.
Sparkling JELLO! Delicious! I love JELLO!
One of my favorite Christmas ornaments that my mom owns.
My new sister SAMMY! I love her! She is so sweet, she used to cuddle but now she's getting to big and gets hot when cuddling so won't anymore. She is a Black Lab/New Foundland mix, so she'll be HUGE!
And last of picture of the kids, a good picture I think.
It was a nice Christmas, and a nice trip home. This trip home also reminded me of why I live so far away from WA, and has made me even more proud of were I am.
Hey! I need your help with the page I started for Lee and I. Yay for you beng in town. ive me a call!