
update #5

I got an e-mail from planned parenthood. No good man, I didn't get the job, or even an interview. But I was looking at their online job announcements and there is a job I would like even more. I am going to re-do my cover letter and resume and reapply. We'll see how it goes.


job/thesearch update #4

I hate this week, and despite a good "You can choose to enjoy this week or you can choose to have a horrible week" speech I am still having a horrible week. I don't want to go to OPE, I don't want to interview for housing positions, I don't want to stay in a hotel with people (all be it people I love) I don't want to schmooz.

Can anyone tell I am having trouble with this change going on in my life? I don't want something new. Can't I just stick with something old and familiar?


Job update #3

I am still holding out for Planned Parenthood to call me and offer me the best job EVER, but I am also preparing myself for the big let down. They are my #1 choice, I really want to hear from them.


This area is going so much better than I thought it would, which surprising isn't overwhelming AT ALL. In-fact, it is rather underwhelming, I'm just not into it right now. Maybe things will change next week when I start interviewing, but I'm not holding my breath. As of yesterday I had 15 interviews, I (along with the help of my friend Sara)decided that 15 was too many. So I sent an e-mail to a school in New York (it was a logical choice for me the school was HUGE and in New York) and told them I was unable to interview with them. We'll see how things go.

On other news:

Today in S.D. it is a balmy 38 degrees (and my window is open).


Quote of the day

I'm selfish, impatient, and a little
insecure. i make mistakes, i am
out of control, and at times hard
to handle. but if you can't handle
me at me worst, then you sure as
hell don't deserve me at my best.
-marilyn monroe

This quote is certainly me.


Fleetwood Mac

I'm not sure if you all know this but, I am named after 2 Fleetwood Mac songs (my mom says Sara is from the bible, I beg to differ). I have recently fallen in love with Fleetwood Mac. It's some good stuff. The song "Sara" is about a dude who really like Sara, and would go anywhere or do anything for her, pretty sweet huh? Rhiannon on the other hand, is THE MOST DEPRESSING SONG EVER. It is about a woman who cannot be loved! WTF! Depressing. (Rhiannon also means "horse goddess" in Welsh Mythology, I HATE HORSES!)

I will now share a list of names my parents could have gone with in the same theme.
- Sara Davis (From the song "Betty Davis Eyes")
- Sara Betty (Also from the song "Betty Davis Eyes")
- Stevie (DUH, Stevie Nicks)
- Sara Lindsey (after singer and guitarist from Fleetwood Mac)

Okay, I could go on with the ridiculous things my parents could have named me, but I won't they made a good choice. I like my name.

Thanks, Sara Horse Goddess Churchman



Happy VD people (or Valentines Day as the case may be)! HA, kind of dirty, but especially funny. I am cataloging a list of things that the initials V.D. can stand for. So far I only have three. Any ideas? Let me know.


South Dakota News Update

Last November the citizens of South Dakota voted against a bill that would ban ALL abortions, this includes cases where the mother may be in fatal harm and cases of incest. I feel that if the bill was better written it would have passed, (S.D. being the conservative state it is) but it was so poorly written 80 year old men sitting on their front porch holding a gun voted against the bill extremely conservative bill (great step forward for pro-choicers everywhere!).

This January another piece of poorly written legislation was brought forward and passed by the South Dakota House of Representatives (Note: it was not passed by the S.D. Senate). The bill (S.D. HB) would allow for University Students to carry a weapon at all times, specifically while on campus and in the residence halls. Upon hearing this I was amazed at how asinine the legislators could be, their reason you ask for bring this bill forward?

For once in a great, long while the South Dakota Board of Regency (State Higher Education Governing Board, who hadn't had anything to do with education until they were appointed into the position) decided to try and make their campuses safer after the Virginia Tech incident by limiting fire arms on campus. GREAT IDEA, I would totally be in support of that (no, seriously, I would)!

When the South Dakota House heard this they were apparently up in arms, created and passed dear old HB 1261. (ASININE!) When asked about the bill House of Representatives elected officials said things like "well a South Dakotan wouldn't ever do something like that" or "having more guns would stop something like Virginia Tech happen because everyone would have guns to protect themselves." Obviously these people have never heard an irrational student in a conduct meeting, or actually been on campus to see how many people attending South Dakota schools aren't from South Dakota, not to mention that "South Dakotans not doing something like that" is a crock of SHIT! Especially combined with the fact that South Dakota has one of the highest percentages of drunk ass people runny around because they have nothing to do.

Okay, so my point, why are those who write South Dakota Legislation so freaking stupid!?!?!? If all of these bills were passed South Dakota would be a land of
unwanted, half-retarded, gun yielding, drunk people; and that, is just not safe for anyone.



I recently went to see the movie "Juno" it was GREAT! I laughed through the entire thing and sometimes I was the only one laughing, I know not surprising. The only part I wasn't laughing at was when they pulled the slimy, purple, screaming baby out of its womb, at that point I screamed "GROSS!" It was sick, but other than the child birth it was a GREAT movie.

Now I would like to share some of my favorite quotes:
Juno MacGuff: You should've gone to China, you know, 'cause I hear they give away babies like free iPods. You know, they pretty much just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events.

Rollo: So what's the prognosis, Fertile Myrtle? Minus or plus?
Juno MacGuff: I don't know. It's not seasoned yet.
[grabs products]
Juno MacGuff: I'll take some of these. Nope... There it is. The little pink plus sign is so unholy.
[shakes pregnancy tester]
Rollo: That ain't no Etch-A-Sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, Homeskillet.

Vanessa Loring: So... How are we going to do this?
Juno MacGuff: Uh, aren't I just gonna, ya know, squeeze it out and, hand it over to you?
Gerta Rauss: Mark and Vanessa are willing to negotiate an open adoption...
Mac MacGuff: What do you mean?
Juno MacGuff: Wait... No! I mean, can't we just, like, kick this old school? Like, I have the baby, put it in a basket and send it your way, like, Moses and the reeds?
Mark Loring: Technically, that would be kicking it Old Testament.
Gerta Rauss: ...So, we all agree that a closed adoption is the best decision for all involved?
Juno MacGuff: SSHHIT! YES! Close it up!

Okay so those are some of my favorites, there are also some nice mushy parts, but I won't share them. Everyone should seriously see this movie.


The search #2

The job search is still underway. Last Thursday I got an e-mail from Planned Parenthood, in the e-mail they asked me to fill out a questionnaire and told me that they would be holding face to face and phone interviews in the next few weeks. That was last week, I still haven't heard from them this week. I'm hoping that by this time next week I will have heard from them.

On the OPE side of the job search I have 11 interviews set up for the end of February. The schools are: Kansas University, Kansas State, Iowa Wesleyan, Central College (in Iowa), Luther College (in Iowa), College of St. Benedict (in Minnesota), University of Wisconsin Green bay, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Pittsburgh University (in Kansas), Aurora University (in Illinois) and Binghamton University (in New York).

Right now my first choice is Planned Parenthood, after that I would say it goes by miles away from Kansas City. After I interview with places who knows what I will really want to do, or where I want to go, only time will tell. I just hope the decision is a clear and easy one to make.



I have 93 days to graduation! WOOOHOOOO! I'm super excited! I also plan on putting a count down on the sidebar of my blog counting down the days until I am "Master Churchman" HAHAHA!


Yes, we can!

This is an awesome video. For anyone who has concerns about Obama as president, this is an amazing video.