
Fleetwood Mac

I'm not sure if you all know this but, I am named after 2 Fleetwood Mac songs (my mom says Sara is from the bible, I beg to differ). I have recently fallen in love with Fleetwood Mac. It's some good stuff. The song "Sara" is about a dude who really like Sara, and would go anywhere or do anything for her, pretty sweet huh? Rhiannon on the other hand, is THE MOST DEPRESSING SONG EVER. It is about a woman who cannot be loved! WTF! Depressing. (Rhiannon also means "horse goddess" in Welsh Mythology, I HATE HORSES!)

I will now share a list of names my parents could have gone with in the same theme.
- Sara Davis (From the song "Betty Davis Eyes")
- Sara Betty (Also from the song "Betty Davis Eyes")
- Stevie (DUH, Stevie Nicks)
- Sara Lindsey (after singer and guitarist from Fleetwood Mac)

Okay, I could go on with the ridiculous things my parents could have named me, but I won't they made a good choice. I like my name.

Thanks, Sara Horse Goddess Churchman

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