
Almost an obsession.

This story may be a good one, it may be a bad one, so read and find out.

There is something you should know about me, I absolutely, positively LOVE the television show "How I Met Your Mother" or HIMYM. The main character is Ted, and the plot of the show is Ted telling his children the story of how he met their mother, the title kind of explains it all huh? It really is a great premise, you never know when he is going to meet their mother, of if the next woman will REALLY be her (he has yet to meet her, but I am hopeful for next season).

Another one of the characters, Robin Scherbatsky (aka Robin Sparkles or Aunt Robin) is from Canada and in her youth she was a Canadian Pop-Star! Robin Sparkles only had two hits, the first being "Let's Go to the Mall," where she goes to the mall (what a surprise right). While she is at the mall she meets a Canadian love interest, Simon, played by James VanderBeek (think Dawson's Creek), thus leading in to the her second Canadian hit "Sandcastles." In "Sandcastles" Simon breaks poor little Robin Sparkles heart after a Canadian summer of building sandcastles (shocker, right?). Being a true fan of 80's music I LOVE Robin's hits they are are rare blend of 80's and hilarity, can you say PRICELESS?

On last nights episode of HIMYM, Ted and Barney (or Uncle Barney, played The Neal Patrick Harris) use their cell phones to call each other. Low and behold, guess what Ted's ringtone was, "Let's go to the Mall"!!! While laughing myself into a coughing fit I couldn't help but think "I must have this ringtone!"

While I don't have the ringtone yet, I did buy the song off of iTunes and as a warning if I do get "Let's go to the Mall" as a ringtone I will NEVER answer my phone. You've been warned.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh...I can't believe we forgot to talk about this when you were here...I have to ask you something about HIMYM!!!! -chels182
