In June my supervisor left and I got a new supervisor (who was previously a peer), the two supervisors are VERY different and the new supervisor will take sometime to get used to (although I have worked with my new supervisor before so, that has some advantages). Not only did my supervisor leave but one of the people who I got along with very well at work also left for, shall we say, greener pastures? The last person on the pro-staff team, who has been one of my greatest allies in my time at Simpson, just had a baby with his wife. So needless to say there have been a lot of changes in the people I work with, and the newness scares me and makes me a little sad.
On top of all of the changes with my colleagues, I also MOVED into a new apartment. I love my new apartment! It actually feels like an apartment, not just some residence hall rooms squished together; in my new apartment I also have a DISHWASHER! The dishwasher is certainly my favorite part of the new place! Along with the new place came a new job and in the fall I will be working and living with 400 first year students!
So while preparing for the craziness all first year students and 15 student staff members I have been doing many other things!
- April - Found and helped to hire two new co-workers & started with camps and conferences
- May - Closed building & wrote Communicable Disease Crisis Response Plan & worked closely with camps and conferences and the Des Moines Metro Opera & said goodbye to old supervisor
- June - said hello to new supervisor & went on vacation +++ & moved & went to SNOW PATROL concert & helped with new student orientation & worked with camps and conferences
- July - said hello to two new staff members & started pro-staff training & re-wrote student staff handbook (this is till a work in progress) & still working with camps and conferences
Oh and... in July Iowa has an event called RAGBRAI (registers annual great bicycle ride across Iowa), which is a seven day bicycle ride from one end of Iowas to the other. The Indianola community is an over night stop on the seven day trek and Simpson has "graciously" decided to house about 12 percent (approximately 350) of the riders in our residence halls. I am solely responsible for this and it has been a never ending process! I can't wait for July 21st!
Like I said in the beginning I am shocked that I am not burnt out, yet! While I do enjoy being busy, this summer has also been a little difficult I really haven't had time for anything but work and it breaks my heart. Okay enough with the pity party.
By the way if anyone want to see the new apartment you are always welcome to stop by see Winston, my DISHWASHER and me!
I love that you have a dishwasher!! Dishwashers are probably the best thing since sliced bread!! I want to come see you, now since you are the busy one you will have to tell me when a good time is.