27 WEEKS!?!?! That's 189 days, over 6 months, more than half of a year. That's dropping pop and picking up my water bottle one more time again, again and again. That's not eating french fries, minimizing my chocolate/sugar intake, eating fruit and vegetables like I've got scurvy, that's down 6 dress sizes. That's more miles run than I can count, fewer emotional outburst, gaining an ability to reward myself with something besides food. That's saying goodbye to almost an entire wardrobe of clothes, having a collar bone, seeing muscle definition, and not having fat sausage fingers. That's A LOT of changes. And I like them.
My other revelation is exercise, because I have been so busy the last few weeks I have not been jogging. Yesterday I went
I've been eating a lot of fresh green beans lately (I also canned 26 jars of them today), fresh from the garden. Also Cucumbers, watermelon and cherry tomatoes.
Pie, there is a lot of pie in this house and I love pie. Damn pie.
As a huge Mandy Moore fan the song Candy has always been the perfect tempo (beat, rhythm, or something like that) for jogging.
I have also been craving Zucchini Lasagna. Here is a recipe for Zucchini Lasagna from Skinny Taste. I made my recipe up but this is similar except that I used ground turkey, store bought sauce and cottage cheese instead of ricotta. It was AMAZING!
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