
Update: Week 27

I am pleased with myself today, I made it through the fair and actually lost weight! 8ish pounds which brings me up to 62.8 pounds of weight lost, no one can say that's not awesome, right? I've had a few revelations the last couple of days one of them is, I can't believe I've been doing Weight Watchers for 27 weeks!

27 WEEKS!?!?! That's 189 days, over 6 months, more than half of a year.  That's dropping pop and picking up my water bottle one more time again, again and again. That's not eating french fries, minimizing my chocolate/sugar intake, eating fruit and vegetables like I've got scurvy, that's down 6 dress sizes.  That's more miles run than I can count, fewer emotional outburst, gaining an ability to reward myself with something besides food.  That's saying goodbye to almost an entire wardrobe of clothes, having a collar bone, seeing muscle definition, and not having fat sausage fingers.  That's A LOT of changes. And I like them.

My other revelation is exercise, because I have been so busy the last few weeks I have not been jogging.  Yesterday I went jogging walking.  It was so difficult to jog after not doing so for weeks, my hope is to never go that long without jogging.

I've been eating a lot of fresh green beans lately (I also canned 26 jars of them today), fresh from the garden.  Also Cucumbers, watermelon and cherry tomatoes.

Pie, there is a lot of pie in this house and I love pie.  Damn pie.

As a huge Mandy Moore fan the song Candy has always been the perfect tempo (beat, rhythm, or something like that) for jogging.

I have also been craving Zucchini Lasagna.  Here is a recipe for Zucchini Lasagna from Skinny Taste. I made my recipe up but this is similar except that I used ground turkey, store bought sauce and cottage cheese instead of ricotta.  It was AMAZING!     

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