
Summer Job

This is the last week of my summer job!!! I am very pleased, although I have really enjoyed my job as the camps and conferences coordinator I am ready for a reprieve, that is why I am so excited for training to start. I am also very excited for all of my Hall Director friends to come back so I will have someone to play with, there have been times when the summer has been lonely. I just have to push through the rest of the week and then... let the good times roll!

On a separate note I have had chats and a visit from some of my Kansas City friends lately. Lindsay and Rebecca came to visit last week, it was a great time, we did some Vermillion hang out time, which is always fun. We also went to Sioux Falls and saw some thing there, which reminds me if you are ever in Sioux Falls S.D. and are thinking about going to the Falls Park Laser Light Show, DON'T GO! The laser light show is a complete bust, and not really fun at all. I also got to talk to Chelsea the other night, it was so fun, I miss talking with her, we always have had such great time together, when I got to K.C. I will most certainly be paying her and Scott a visit. AND I also got to hear from my friend Rachel, she is a nursing student who is always excessively busy, but I know she will make a great nurse.

I LOVE FRIENDS! They make me so happy!



I apologize for my excessive crabbiness earlier last week. I think that work is getting to me, we are finishing up our last 3rd round of football camps this week and starting our fourth, needless to say, things have been uber busy! But I am really excited because Rebecca and Lindsay are coming to visit on Friday, it seems like it's a really long time away but I know it will come fast. Back to the real life now!



Today I am super crabby, there are all of the crazy football players doing horrible things to my residence halls, and it really makes me mad, they need to learn to respect things that are not theirs. AND! I feel like a social leper all of my KC friends are getting married and doing couple things, I REALLY don't like couple things, they are so exclusive, and it's not like they try to be exclusive, but seriously what single person wants to hang out with a ton of coupled people ???... none. It's not like I want to get married or be coupled, because I don't want to be married or coupled, I enjoy my single life, SERIOUSLY, I feel like people look at me and pitty me for being single but I really do enjoy my single life, I CAN HAVE THE ENTIRE BED TO MYSELF, and I can do whatever I want, eat whatever I want, I only have to take care of myself, and I really like, seriously. BUT I still really don't like being the single social leper. The thing is I should be thankful for my career and life, I can honestly say I did all of this on my own, but I can't help having a pitty party for myslef. Me knowing I should be happy and thankful when I'm not just frustrates me more, ARGH!


The Great Pacific Northwest!

Here are my pictures from home(some of them anyways)! It was such a great trip, and exactly what I needed before I came back to all of the hard work at my home. I got a card for my mom that says "There's no place like home" it's super cute! I plan on sending it to her to thank her for the a great rip home, I love my mom!
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And because I love her, here is a picture of her at "Saturday Market" if you are familiar with Portland Oregon you will understand, but if you are not it is the REALLY cool craft fair that is open on the weekends from the spring until Christmas eve! It is in downtown Portland, and if you ever go to Portland you HAVE TO GO!

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Here is a picture of me and my sister, I love her!

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Me and my cousin Buck, he is great, and I am so happy b/c he will be going to GRACELAND! He will also be the family member whom lives closest to me!!! YEAH!!!

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My God daughter, Maddy and I. It was so great to spenf the week with her. I feel like we got a lot closer, and through that week I really feel like I now more than ever have a better understanding of what it is like to be a parent. Saying goodbye to her was harder than teaching her how to tie her shoes. I miss her very much.

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This is Jackie, we went to H.S. together, it was the first time we had seen each other in 6 years!

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My favorite picture! It is of the waterfall and my campground. I like the picture b/c of the kids in it, it just makes it so fun and reminds me of such a great memory.

Here are some more pictures from home!


I'm HOME! In Vermillion, the Northwest was great but now I am back, at work, and GUESS WHAT?!?!?! I got a promotion! I am now the direct supervisor of all camps and conference procedures at the University of South Dakota. I Have a feel the summer will be professionally rewarding in so many was but it will be tiring (as my papa would say no rest for the wicked and the righteous don't need any). Anyways I will post pictures from my trip to the Great Northwest soon!