

Today I am super crabby, there are all of the crazy football players doing horrible things to my residence halls, and it really makes me mad, they need to learn to respect things that are not theirs. AND! I feel like a social leper all of my KC friends are getting married and doing couple things, I REALLY don't like couple things, they are so exclusive, and it's not like they try to be exclusive, but seriously what single person wants to hang out with a ton of coupled people ???... none. It's not like I want to get married or be coupled, because I don't want to be married or coupled, I enjoy my single life, SERIOUSLY, I feel like people look at me and pitty me for being single but I really do enjoy my single life, I CAN HAVE THE ENTIRE BED TO MYSELF, and I can do whatever I want, eat whatever I want, I only have to take care of myself, and I really like, seriously. BUT I still really don't like being the single social leper. The thing is I should be thankful for my career and life, I can honestly say I did all of this on my own, but I can't help having a pitty party for myslef. Me knowing I should be happy and thankful when I'm not just frustrates me more, ARGH!

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